Friday, March 13, 2009

{I Want Green Spiky Hair}

The Mr has to go & get his hair cut quiet often being in the Army. Mr T has been wanting another haircut....and I was okay with this cuz it's a pain to get him to hold still to brush it, and his bangs were getting a little long....I didn't really like them in his face. He sure is cute though! :-) So, we went with Daddy to get hair cuts....We were talking to him about how he would like his cut. And he told us he wanted green spiky hair! lol SOOOO....The Mr said he was okay with it. I asked the gal to keep it a little longer, and not to use the clippers. He did a great job holding still during his hair cut......he was SO COMFORTABLE.........
That he FELL ASLEEP in the middle of his hair cut!!!! lol TOO CUTE! :-) He even slept through her cleaning up the edges with the little clippers! lol

Even after she was done, I picked him up and put him in the stroller (which is what we brought in for Little Mr lol) HE WAS STILL SLEEPING!!! lol He slept all the way through The Mr getting his hair cut until we were getting the boys into the truck! lol

And here is his "Green Spiky Hair" :-) We already had the green colored spray at home. :-)

Cutie Boy & Mommy :-D