Monday, September 28, 2009

{Dancin' Shoes}

This is Mr T and his new shoes.....he calls him is "Dancin' Shoes" LOL He is at such a stinkin cute stage! So everytime he puts on these shoes he starts 'dancing' LOL It is SOOOOO hard not to laugh! And we're laughing cuz it's SOOO cute! He's not too's just adorable! lol Sorry about the size of the posed pic I've been having issues lately lol with pictures and software lol I'll get back to it all really......I'm still getting used to my new'll figure it all out....promise! :-D

Oh! I had nothing to do with picking out these shoes....except trying to talk him OUT of it! lol He HAD to have THESE shoes! lol He is adorable with these though! If I can ever figure out how to video him, and post it on here.....I will totally do that! lol OH! I've seen TONS on blogs with YouTube videos on them!!! I'll have to figure something out, cuz it's just too adorable not to have ya'll see it! lol :-)

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