Already we have another birthday in our house! Where does the time go?? I still remember my mom & brother, my sister & son, being in North Carolina with me while I waited to go into labor with our third boy while The Mr. was doing his first tour in Iraq......and now here it is four years later! WoW! These first years are just so amazing to be apart of! They learn SOOO much! It's really fantastic to be able to watch and help teach and mold them into the little people they are becoming. :-) So here is my Happy Birthday to Mr T! :-)
1. You are SO creative! I love watching how you play and what you'll end up making next.
2. I love how you can occupy yourself for hours, but then at times you curl right up into me and want to cuddle.
3. I love love love your giggle! :-)
4. One of my absolute favorite things is to watch you fold your arms and ask for help to say the dinner prayer...and how upset you get because you want to say it and Daddy picked someone else for that night.
We love you Mr T and can't wait to keep watching you grow, learn, and blossom into the young man that you will be. :-D