Sunday, December 21, 2008

{Making Christmas Ornaments}

This year I wasn't able to find much of our Christmas stuff....I really don't know where it all went. So, I thought it would be fun to make our own ornaments using salt dough. I've made gifts with this in the past. And I have many fond memories growing up helping my Mom make ornaments at Christmas time for our tree. We used to paint them.....this year I tried coloring the dough....and I think they turned out really great! :-)

My boys hard at work! :-)

The end results! We let them dry for a few days....then tied ribbon through the holes, and hung them on our Christmas Tree. :-)

Friday, December 19, 2008

{Playing in the Snow with Daddy}

Elisha making snow balls to throw...
Mr A making snow balls also.....

Mr T eating the
I went out and was driving Mom around to get some of her Christmas shopping done since it was snowing. The Mr was watching the boys.....Thank you My Love!....and he went outside with them to play in the snow. They ALL made snow angels, and The Mr sent me a pic of his on the phone, but I don't know how to get them off the phone yet. :-) But these are still cute pics of the boys that he took for me. :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

{The Mr's Birthday Dinner}

For Birthday's we have the Birthday Person pick what we have for dinner. :-) The Mr's pick was soft tacos.....of course....this is his favorite meal. :-) We had Michael and Melissa over for dinner and then Billy and Kacy were able to join us for cake. Overall it was a nice quiet birthday that we got to enjoy with people we love.

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear My Love, The Mr, Daddy!!! Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

{Happy 28th Birthday To The Mr!!!}

Today is Tommy's birthday.....I have seen other people on blogs write about their spouses on their birthdays.....and I really love the here goes my try. :-)

I'm going to do a 28 reasons why I love you in our life. :-) In no specific order...

1. You are an amazing Husband to me

2. You are an awesome Father to our four boys

3. I love watching you wrestle with the boys

4. To watch you teach is an amazing're really good at it

5. I love that when there is a major decision to make for our family that you go to God and pray about it and do your best to make the best decision for our family

6. I love family movie nights

7. I love your input on my crafts and things I do around the house

8. I love that you encourage me in everything I want to do

9. You are so smart....I can't believe how much easier schooling is for you than me....I admire that

10. I love your smile

11. I love it when your smile reaches to your eyes even more :-)

12. I love it when we're able to fall asleep in each other's arms

13. I love curling up on the couch with you

14. Your sense of humor is something I enjoy-usually :-)

15. I love watching your face light up when you're talking about our children

16. Your face also lights up when you're talking about your bike....that's cute too :-)

17. You are more than willing to help with anything that I ask

18. When you put your mind to something there is no letting go

19. I love that even though we were young when we got married that you're determined to stay together

20. I am so proud of you for serving our country

21. I am grateful that you want to take care of our family

22. I love that family means so much to you

23. And that you would do anything we can to help support them if they need it

24. I love that as head of household you seriously take my opinion into consideration

25. I love that you encourage our boys to do that right thing and to be better people

26. I love that I want to be a better person with you

27. I love that you like to go to church as a family

28. I love that you like to eat together as a family even though it's hard with your work schedule

I love you My Love! Happy birthday! :-)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

{Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer}

Today was SO cute.....Mr E had told me about a project he was doing at school. I'm sure if you've ever talked to kids, you kinda get part of the story or half of any event it's usually hard to figure out exactly what they are trying to get across. At least that's what it's like with our boys.....they will tell a story and then an adult will tell it.....and I'll be like "OH! THAT'S what they meant!" lol They are so cute! Mr E......he brought home this beautiful wall hanging! And THANK YOU to the mom's that put in the time to do these for the kids!!! :-) I don't know if he drew the picture (he does love to draw and he's pretty good at it) It looks like the reindeer was traced, and then I can tell he did the background stuff. I do know he colored it in though. :-) And they transfered it to material, and then made a material frame for it. I think he even got to it the material for it.....which are angels....because I like them. :-) He is just TOO SWEET!!! :-) It was supposed to be a Christmas present he said, but he couldn't wait to give it to me. :-)

Thank you Mr E! I love it! :-)

{Playing in the Snow}

Since it snowed, the boys couldn't just stay inside where it was warm & cozy.....nope....they had to get all bundled up & go play in the cold. I am so greatful that I was able to simply take a few pictures & then shut the sliding glass door to watch them from there. :-)

Mr A getting ready to throw a snow ball at Mr E...

Mr E & Mr A gathering as much snow as they could find to try & make a snowman...

Mr T eating some snow...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

{It Snowed!!!}

This is the view that we woke up to this morning. This was taken from our dinning room window.
Last night the boys and I went over to Oma & Opa's and Mom and I made some sugar cookies.....yummy....well it started to snow......I let the boys play in it a little bit while we were there.....and it just kept snowing. I thought it was about done when we got home and went to bed, but then we woke up and saw that it had snowed more. Very pretty....but I still think it's all icky..... :-)


Friday night we watched Korie & Byran's boys....they have a great time playing together. I love how easily more kids fit into our home.....we had six boys and I hardly noticed the difference. lol I know that this picture is a little blurry but it was the one that I was able to get all six boys in. :-) They were racing cars in the entry way......and everytime Mr A did what he was trying to do he said it was 'tight' is funny the different phrases we go through.....

I remember using the word cool as a teenager.....and my Opa hated it.....if you didn't use the word with the original meaning then it wasn't being done correctly. :-) Now the kids come home saying things like that too.....and I just smile and laugh and remember being a kid. :-)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

{Fake Burps}

So a little background......our two older boys will burp at times, and they think it's Mr T has started to fake burp around his older brothers.....and he does this quite often, usually after he takes a drink of something. I've gotten used to it. lol Well, last night Mr T took a drink, and did his fake burp.....then Little Mr made a similar sound.....I tested it to see if he just happened to make the sound, or if he was actually copying Mr T.......he was copying him! lol Too CUTE!!!
Well, this morning Little Mr got up and I was feeding him.....when he was done he burped, not too uncommon....the funny part is that he made the little fake burp sound again! lol
I love the cute things kids do!!! :-)
That's all for now......just thought I'd say a little sun in my life with you. :-)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

{Christmas Light Walk}

Monday night for our Family Home Evening we went for a walk to look at all the Christmas lights in our neighborhood. Our friends Tiffany, Wyatt, and Ethan joined us for our cold adventure. We bundled up the kids, got the babies in the strollers, and walked around. It was so nice. I love having family time.....& it didn't even cost anything! hehe Mr E walked around with the camera so he took most of our pictures.....just like
These are some of my favorites pictures that were taken that night. I love looking at Christmas lights! :-)

{A Cold Night}

I should start with a story from the other day about Mr A. :-)
I was making my blog header....the one that I have up....and Mr A say the pic of himself and didn't like he asked if we could rewind and re-take the picture. Too cute! So, I told him that we can't do that, but that is why I ask him to behave when I take pictures of them, and that if he didn't like this picture then he should behave next time I ask to take a picture.
So back to this beautiful picture of our children all was SO easy to get this picture.....I only had to take three of them! And for those of you that have take pictures....especially of four kids together.....and/or OUR It was great....and they look so cute all bundled up for our walk. :-)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This is something that you tend to see in our house a lot. :-) The Mr wrestling with the boys.....they all love it. And I love seeing them enjoying themselves is so cute. :-)

{Tongue All the Time}

These are so funny! This is how Little Mr looks most of the time. lol He is usually doing his low crawl or hanging onto furniture....or me....with his tongue sticking out. It is so funny! I had to get some pictures of him doing it. lol

Monday, December 8, 2008


Little Mr has started to stand by himself.....a couple of times he has taken one step, but then grabs onto the closest thing to him :-) He will stand a few times a day like this now, so we'll see how long until he actually tries to walk. :-) I can definately wait for that.....I know it might sound silly but I'm just enjoying him while he's still so, not little.....but young. :-) They grow so fast and learn so much in such a short time when they are young like this.....I love watching them develope into their own little person. It is so neat to see their different personalities. :-) I know this picture is a little dark, but it's the one I was able to get. :-)

Friday, December 5, 2008

{Little Mr's First Cookie}


He was so excited....

The culprit...

On Fridays I like to do something a little special for the boys for their after-school snack. A couple weeks ago I had made chocolate chip cookies for them. I figure it's Friday, and they don't have school or homework so a treat is fun. :-)
Well, I needed to go to the store...and The Mr was I put Little Mr in his booster seat with a cookie. He stayed in there for almost an hour just munching away on that cookie! It was so cute when I got home and saw him like this! lol
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

{25 Pounds & Counting....}

I finally found my scale.....although I wasn't too excited to know how much I am right now.....I was definately interested to see how much our little chunk has gained.....
25 pounds....yes I said that Mr now weights 25 pounds.....he is definately our little chunk and we love it. :-)

{The Mr took the quiz too....hehe}

I'm a Emmett! I found out through Which Twilight Male Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!