Thursday, November 27, 2008

{Thanksgiving 2008}

L to R - Mr T, Mr E, Little Mr, & Mr A

Let me tell you-I love to cook for those that I love. So to be able to have Thanksgiving at our home WITH our family too was such a blessing to me. I love having family near to be with. Not only on Thanksgiving or any of the holidays....but on a daily regular basis. I love it. I am so greatful to be back home in Washington. To have our families so close to us, and to be able to let our children know them and have relationships with them. This was a hard year...I'm not going to go into details....but those of you that know me well enough know that I've had a hard time. I was especially thankfull that my Oma was here with us. I am very very thankful for the relationship that I have with her and that she has with our children...that my children get to know and enjoy her. That means a lot to me....that is one of the main reasons that we wanted to come home. I have a lot to be thankful this year. :-) And I'm glad that I'm able to enjoy that. :-) Hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving too.
We had a very nice full house.....although the boys were disapointed that there weren't any other kids to play with. They did great though and were very helpful. We had Oma-ma, Tante Amalia, Opa & Oma, Uncle Michael & Auntie Messa, and then all of us. It was great. :-)
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Sunday, November 2, 2008


Little Mr ~ Jedi Knight
Mr A ~ Mummy
Mr T ~ Kangaroo
Mr E ~ Karate Kid
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{Halloween 2008}

From Left to Right: Mr E, Mr T, Little Mr, & Mr A

This year we walked around about half of our neighborhood....since the houses are so close together we felt that this would yield enough candy for them......BOY were we right. :-) We didn't even have Little Mr do his own trick-or-treating which we've have usually done in the past(let the younger one get candy too) The Mr is home this year, so it was especially nice for me to have him here getting the kids ready to go out and keeping an eye on them while they were trick-or-treating. We drove over to Oma & Opa's to let the kids trick-or-treat at their house, and then we also drove over to Oma-ma's to show her the boys. It is so nice being home and this close to family to be able to do that. Although I have to say that I am still not used to the WA weather again yet. I forgot how cold and dark it is here for halloween....hopefully we'll be here next year, and I'll remember then. :-)
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{BoosterSeat for Little Mr}

This is Little Mr playing in his new booster seat from his Great Tante. :-) It folds up so that we can bring it with us when we go somewhere to eat, and it has this neat tray with toys that just clips into the eating tray. I LOVE IT! :-) He is eating a lot more solid foods now that he is sitting at the table with us. And it's MUCH easier for me to eat my food too since I'm not holding onto him! Don't know if that's a good thing or not :-)
Thank you Tante Amalia! :-)
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