Here we are trying to PCSing back home to WA.......YEAH........this is our first PCS.....and we had no idea how long of an insane process this was going to be. We had such high hopes of making it to WA by mid-June.......what was I thinking......I'm not the one that plans things, the army does that for us! Arg! It has been one insane thing after least we'll know these things next time. :-)
So we keep putting dates out there as to when we are going to be leaving from here......but we're still Bragg doesn't want us to leave! :-)
I will write before we leave so that ya'll know what's going on.....really.....that's the best I can do. We won't have access to the internet while traveling, but as soon as we get to my parents' house I'll let everyone know how things are going.